Iceland at Night

Aurora Forecast

Tonight's forecast

October 8: Active Northern Lights expected tonight while the activity is reducing after past days geomagnetic storms . Check the real time data regularly (watch for Bz south) and keep your eyes on the skies from 22:30.

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Fetching data

Kp-index Forecast


Sunrise07:58 UTC
Sunset18:33 UTC


Real Time Space Weather Data

The likelihood of aurora activity increases when the needle points to the red zone

Solar Wind Speed

Interplanetary Magnetic Field

Auroral Activity

Aurora Forecast

A short-term forecast on the likelihood of seeing aurora.

Leirvogur Magnetic Observatory

Record of measurements at Leirvogur for the past 24 hours.

Tours we recommend

Solar Activity


Coronal Holes

Kp-index Forecast

Short-term Kp-index forecast

The chart shows 3 day forecast of the Kp-index with hourly interval

Long-term Kp-index forecast

The chart shows the largest daily Kp-index value